WN-6502-WBC. (WBC - WorkBench Computer)
Designed as a single-board computer the WN-6502-WBC is an electrical design, control and programming computer. Inspired by home computers like the Apple II, many games consoles and the users of the 6502.org forums. Made using a simple design and cheap-ish, easy-to-use and easy to assemble; This computer is perfect for beginners to electronics and veterans alike.
The first usable release will be version 2.0. This will be the case as we started at version 1.0 rather than 0.0 as this is hardware, NOT software.


Why a 6502?
Because why not? It was good enough for the Apple I, Apple II, the NES console and many other home computers and consoles, it is a well documented processor, plus EEPROM programmers and sockets are really cheap now.

What programs(s) did you use to design the computer and daughter boards?
KiCad for Windows bundle. 6.0

Is this really free and if so how?
I work on this project in my own time and release all files under an OSHW license. WolfNet Computing is a not for profit organisation run by me. All files needed to manufacture are there, so the only costs are for the PCB manucfacturer YOU choose to use. :D

Where can I find licensing information?
In the main folder in HTML and Markdown

How do I add components or circuits to it?
At the moment only the 65SIB and GPIO ports are available for easily adding anything to. However there is a prototyping board in the works, this will facilitate adding components to the computer. You could also always use the KiCad libraries provided and create your own expansion card.

What size is the board?
305mm x 190mm.

That's a bit big for a board! What does it feature?

Reasons for design choices: